Monday, November 16, 2020

Propagating Plants from Cuttings

A medical practitioner with more than three decades of experience, Dr. David Heimbinder is an anesthesiologist with NAPA at the Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, New Hampshire. With a passion for gardening, Dr. David Heimbinder is knowledgeable about growing techniques such as propagating plants using cuttings.

The process begins with selection of a healthy, disease-free parent plant with abundant foliage. The best stems are those that are green and not woody, which is newer growth. The stem should have a bump, or node, on it, which is a point where flower buds or leaves attach. In the ground, this will be the spot at which new roots emerge.

A clean cut should be made right below a node with a blade sterilized with alcohol. The cutting should be long enough to span at least two leaves. Keep in mind that cuttings beyond about six inches have a tendency to dry out in the growing medium. Before placing the stem cutting in a soilless potting mix, remove all except one or two leaves. This refocuses plant energy toward root creation, while allowing some leaf growth that will enable photosynthesis to occur. 

Growing and Harvesting Broccoli

Based in Manchester, New Hampshire, Dr. David Heimbinder provides anesthesiology care for patients at the Catholic Medical Center. With a l...